Monday, August 15, 2011

Obama Loses Bedtime Debate With Youngest Daughter Sasha

     Tensions were high at the White House Saturday night when 10-year old Sasha refused to go to bed at her required bedtime.  The president was insistent but the stubborn little girl would not budge.  Apparently, Sasha was watching T.V. in the living room and wanted to finish the movie she was watching.
     "Sasha you know this is my relaxing room.  After working for the American people all day this is where I like to reside.  If you don't go to bed now it could cost me my residency." the President reportedly said.
When the youngest daughter still refused the President said, "I'm going to your mother with this!" then stormed out of the room.
     The First Lady, Michelle Obama, was able to put an end to the stalemate by brokering a compromise between the two parties.  Sasha was allowed to stay in the living room watching T.V. for two extra hours, while the President got to serve her cookies and milk.

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